

The standard fee for a 50-minute face-to-face or online individual counselling session is $160.00 + GST in accordance with BCACC recommendations.
I also offer 80 minute sessions which are $240 + GST. It is often recommended that EMDR sessions are 80 minutes. Longer sessions can be arranged and will be charged accordingly.
An initial, free, 15-minute phone consultation is also available for new clients.

Payment Details


Fees are to be paid prior to the session, or directly after by cheque, cash, or e-transfer. For online session I ask that you pay by e-transfer. Cheques are payable to Tanya Barr, and e-transfers sent to



Registered Clinical Counsellors are covered by many extended health plans. Please contact your service provider to determine what types of coverage might be available to you. If you are covered for services you will still be required to pay for each session and then be reimbursed by your insurance company. You will be provided with a receipt upon payment that you may be able to submit to your extended health plan.